Physical Literacy is
the competence, confidence, and motivation
to be active for life.


Similar to how the ABCs are the foundation of reading and writing, fundamental movement skills are the foundation of physical literacy and active living.

Students deserve an education experience that no only focuses on academics, but also helps them BE healthier, happier humans.

The collection of free articles and resources below have been curated to help educators, parents, and community leaders to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the role and importance of physical literacy, and how it can be developed with students through fun and engaging programs.

Physical Literacy,
10 Things YOU Need to Know!

Physical Literacy: 10 Facts

Written by physical literacy expert, Melanie Levenberg, this free guide highlights 10 key facts that every teacher, administrator, and parent should understand about developing physical literacy.


What is Physical Literacy


developing physical literacy through dance

Play, physical literacy & mental health

physical literacy IN SCHOOLS

physical literacy resources for school teachers